Octomica Entertainment
Publication year for the issues
1999: 1-2
Details (click on the pictures to enlarge)
Wonderlanders #1
Title: Out of the Closet, Part 1
Story: Tom Bierbaum
Mary Bierbaum
Casey Lau
Art: Kaare Kyle Andrews
Jason Maranto
Date of publication: 01.1999
Publisher(s): Octomica Entertainment
Price: $ 2.50
32 pages, color
Wonderlanders #2
Title: Out of the Closet, Part 2
Story: Tom Bierbaum
Mary Bierbaum
Casey Lau
Art: Kaare Kyle Andrews
Deryk Johnston
Date of publication: 02.1999
Publisher(s): Octomica Entertainment
Price: $ 2.50
32 pages, color